Sunday, July 1, 2012

Kota Bharu aka "Bangkok Trip 2012 Day 1

Dear blog,

Hello everyone! Had a little escape to Kota Bharu for 3 days 2 night trip. Super sleepy now actually, but i decided to written as much as i could before the trip details fade away. Bought the flight tickets last year, if im not mistaken as me and Grace were actually thinking of paying a visit to xiao hiao po-Aen as her hometown there. So called little gathering among us. Then here come Ms. Richie to join us as she probably envy? Hahaha.. Nah, just wanted to relax and release our mind and soul from the freaking 'stressful' working environment. Finally we had our wings widely spread and become crazy once again!

Richie depart to KB on Thursday evening, while me and Grace a little bit later, Friday morning. Well, never contact each others until the Thursday night came, and decide on the meeting time. I guess all of us had our own way of anticipating the holidays. Meeting Grace at KL sentral, had our Mcd breakie and got our bus to all the way to airport. The funny thing finally happens! Our flight time is 1025, and we reach airport around 0945 i think. Both of us decide not to go to the departure hall so soon, as there got nothing to do. So we walk around, to the washroom and finally around 1000, we go in. Looking for the gate and wondering how come there are no people at the departure hall. Then we sense something unusual and we ask 'kota bharu', they said yes, the flight is here! Then only we realize we actually have to be there before the gate close. Hahahaha.. Well, this not the first time happen to me. And we still walk leisurely to the plane. Hehehe..

Put on colours on me, so that you guys can notice me easily.. haha

Flights taking their turns to depart..
So do ours

After around 1 hour flight, reached the destination! And waiting for them to welcome us.

Ayam Percik-made by Aen's daddy...
Big welcoming foods we receive

Basically, i would have call this as Bangkok 1-day trip. All we do here are temple, eating, temple, eating, and temple... So many temples here with the combination of styles under the influence of Thailand concept and studies. The foods too, great! And for the first day, Aen took us to one of the temple there that offer sauna. Yea, you see no wrong here! Sauna! and is inside the temple. Only cost MYR 5 per person and really refreshing! Try a lots of foods too, too bad unable to remember the Siam's words. Hahaha...

Wat Phothikyan Phutthaktham, where the sauna located
Car of Bruce-friend of Aen that joining us in our holiday gateway

Me! And Im all ready~ 
for the Sauna

After the refreshing moments... all wide awake now!

Me.. With my hair still wet on it..

Grace with wishing tree posing

Grace and me

Bells in the Wat

Grace and Richie

another version, me and Richie

do re mi fa~
Lai Lai, Aen Aen, Sooleng, Pohching

With our 'sexy back'

And our 'BIG' pose~

Towards the wishing tree

Candles on the tree... Wishing wishing wishing~

Try the thousand hand pose?
or heads maybe? Hehe

Just casual pose will do..

Dinner our of nowhere ~ Longan drink

Hiao po Aen

Aen and Poh Ching

This fish cost myr35...
Still got few dishes, but i had no ideas in recalling the name of the dishes...

All hands in

And we finished all!!! Delicious~

End of the day, xiao hiao po to us to drink drank drunk session in one of the local bar there. The entrance i saw was really, amaze? and suspicious! Well, alcohol basically prohibited here as this state ruled by the Islamic rules. 

Hahaha... What do you think about the this?
Is Sapphire Bar

Perhaps we had huge bunch of group there, and we order pretty much of Caslberg. I guess. More that 15 bottles if im not mistaken. All thanks to Bruce-friends of Aen and Mr. Keith aka Biao Ge-Aen's cousin. All charge in them! End our day at around 0200++, pretty hash day! Hahaha... That's the end of the day 1. Continue soon for the day 2 trip..


Girls in the house... 

Groups pics to end the post of the day


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