Friday, April 23, 2010

power distance? selfish?

Some people just like to set a very high power distance with others. Guess it is just too Malaysian style by setting this invisible barrier. I am so ‘lucky’ to have the chance working with this type people. Just making my life not easy at all. Keep on demanding me to anything last minutes, expecting me to get it done by the same day the request was made.
I should not talking the bad things behind them, but bottom it up in my heart making me uneasy either. I rather expressed it here and share my emotion! This people were never making people’s life easy. Like to demand at last minutes and not giving clear instruction too. At first was like this, few hours later ask to stop it and change. What the…
By the way, this people never appreciate what other have done to them. They will take the credits and putting the blame on others. Just getting tired working with this group of people. Not only demanding at last minutes and easy get mad of others. It is not mandatory to tell them everything right? I need some personal space too! That decision was on my personal matter and it is no right for you to interfere at all. By the way, I am not spending your time and money! What the hack that you want to know such details? I am not working under you for the life time okay!
Since the people like to set such a high power distance, let it be. I don’t care at all. But, at least have some communication with me. Not everything is under your control! If without the group work, it can’t be success in such a short period of time.
Well, things are getting over soon and I know it is no use I mentioning it here. I should talk to them face to face, yet I just can’t do it. Probably still ‘respecting’ them. Is it worth for me to respect? I should have say no. I just can’t see any uniqueness within them. Just tons of weakness…
Written on 14 April 2010, 0100.

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