Monday, January 5, 2009


Today first day the class started. Well, don't really have the mood to go for the class actually. Today really was a busy day for everyone. How should i start? First of all, it could be said that the UMS management was really s**k! How can they ask thousand of people to re-register their course in such a tiny place? And the registration only last for 2 days! Of cause the place would be crowded with people. And the people who handle it for sure would scolded us as we don't really follow their instruction. Let's think about it, student for sure will register for the section and the lecturer that are 'hot'. So there are no doubt that student will rebut for the class. Why don't they just think about us? If really they need us to re-register, then what for they need us to register earlier? Well, got to go for the class now...

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