Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sweet July 2012

Dear blog,

Just landed in KL after the precious escape to Land Below Wind-Sabah. As the last day of July 2012, guess im going to make the official announcement that there would not be any flying around until further notice. Which means, no more holiday. And i got to back to the working environment and practicing the EQ all the day. Time flies, graduate from Uni almost 1 year, join the career world almost 1 year too. But what have i learnt? Just that too much uncertainty that make me not wanting to think about IT! If it is possible, i wanted to enjoy without spending. Haha.. Which i know that won't be happening. So, to gather my positive force back to me, perhaps shall do some arrangement. Hah, thinking of working the next day kind of making me a little bit moody... Dislike this kind of feeling! No excitement in work at all! Anyhow, just let me go through the rest of this day by recalling the holidays. Soon enough will be posting the stories on my last sweet escape to my second hometown where i had reside for the past 3 years. Missing them so much now!

Sneak preview of me, in final vacation to Land Below Wind


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Eagle island Tripping day 2 and 3

Dear blog,

Hello. Okay, let's resume for the rest of the Langkawi update. If not, I'll just dragging the post, and eventually too lazy and forgot the little details. Hahaha..

On the second day of the Eagle trip, we made our way to Gallery Perdana where there are a lots of our ex-prime minister-Dr. M. goods and souvenir. Not capturing everything, but still somehow im still can share a little of everything with you.

Me.. Camwhoring for the day 2.
Before heading out

pics with bridge-Dataran Lang

Another posing

Me with Ealge

Ladies with the eagle ^^

Took quite lot of pics while visiting Dataran Lang.. But im too lazy to upload more here.. hahaha..
Upnext would be the Gallery Perdana

Pics with sis in the car

Entrance fees to Gallery Perdana

Me posing ^^

Some of the craft in Gallery

Some of the stuff

Tiny family pics 

With the ship

Love this painting..

Up next is the Durian Perangin waterfall.. 

The steps..

Ladies with the waterfall...
Kind of love the effect..

Hutan Lipur Durian Perangin..
Locate 5mins drive from Gallery Perdana..

After wards, little escape to Tanjung Rhu... By right should be there for sunset..But there's another planning for the evening... hehehe


My jump shot!

The scenery of Tanjung Rhu..

Pantai Pasir Hitam.. 
Nothing much there, just another catch up of coconut drinks to ease the thirst..

The guy spotted at Kompleks Kraf Tangan..
Drawing the craft

Pics of me and my eldest sis

Love this shot! 

Okay, Now we heading for our crystal yacht trip. Cost MYR200 for 3 hours! Well, indeed worth la.. as we renting the yacht basically. Though the foods are so so.. But did enjoy! 

Luxury yacht waiting..

My nails~
Hahaha... pics taken while waiting...

Okay la.. share some other pics la..

Me with the sea

Landscape pic

Wohoo.. On board~

3 of us... 

Spot the guy behind? 
The waiter on the board!

Ladies on the Crystal~

Me posing.. Yea, can't really see me..

Another shot with same pose..

Oh yea, we jump into the sea! Swimming with the net so that we won't float away~

Really ENJOY!
Miss the moment now.. ^^

Okay, here are some pics of the food on board..


satay with the prawn

side dishes..

Oh ya, they basically serving most of the alcohol drinks.. Not really offering sky juice, unless you are Muslim.. Well, alcohol are cheap there.. That's why..

And here's the pics of the after sea bathing plus the sunset view..

Spot me with the sunset?

I like this shot!

The sunset captured

Us, the ladies after sea bathing with our newly bought shawl..

Day 2 basically end pretty well.. Really enjoying ourselves especially the sea swimming.. Hahaha...

Okay, proceed with the Day 3 in Eagle Island.. 

Off to Oriental Village to take the cable car all the way up to the hill.. Try to see the whole Langkawi? Nah... Not really lor... Basically just watching the sea and some island. Pretty HOT up there, not cold like in Genting Highlands, hot indeed! when the sun is up, you probably looking for roof to hide.. So, not spending much time up there. Still, pics taken.. 

Spot this building, found it quite nice!

Tics on hand, up we go..

me and my sis with the cable car

im trying to capture the sun.. Yea, try to do something creative la.. But seems to be fail.. I know..

Us, uphill..

Like this! Feel like having my vacation overseas!

Some of the craft/souvenir sell there..

Somewhere at Perdana Quay... Place that had lots of yacht!!!
probably a good place to invest! hahaha

Waiting for the lunchie~

The foods

Pics of me after lunch.. Fat! Hmm..

Our next destination..
Seven Well...
We just stop by at the waterfall basically... Which resides by a lots of monkey!

lots of stairs! Stop by to take our breath

Finally we had reached! Cooling!

Im just LOVE water~


Pics taken at Pantai Cenang.. A short visit to see people playing the parachuting...
Freaking HOT!!!

Another better shot of me.. Hahaha

Got ourselves back to Hotel to get some rest before heading for dinner.. Yea, last night, so the drink drank drunk is ON! Hahaha... Bought a wine to bring it to our dinner!

well, don ever judge me by my appearance la...

Dinner Is ON

The foods look tempting.. It is delicious indeed!

After dinner, got ourselves to bought some souvenir... 

Spot this drinks.. Just like the design..

Drinks in the room..

Well, the eagle trip basically all about eat, drink, sleep and play! 
Okay, so far for the trip. Up next, i guess would be the Land below wind which happen to fall on this weekend.. Hahaha... Just too much tripping for the month of July 2012. After this month, need to pack my mood, back to the no-excitement-working-9 to 6 life! Anyway, just try to live my life well, as there no second attempt in the living!
